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Simultaneous Analysis of Amino Acids, Acylcarnitines, and Succinylacetone in Dried Blood Spots for Research Using Nonderivatized and Derivatized Methods


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TECHNICAL NOTE 73398 Simultaneous analysis of amino acids, acylcarnitines, and succinylacetone in dried blood spots for research using nonderivatized and derivatized methods Authors: Xiaolei Xie and Marta Kozak Thermo Fisher Scientific, San Jose, CA Keywords: Amino acids, acylcarnitines, succinylacetone, dried…
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suac, suacµmol, µmolglycine, glycinecitrulline, citrullineornithine, ornithineacylcarnitines, acylcarnitinessuccinylacetone, succinylacetoneintermediate, intermediatenonderivatized, nonderivatizedvaline, valineaspartic, asparticglutamic, glutamicphenylalanine, phenylalaninetyrosine, tyrosinealanine
Determination of inborn errors of metabolism
2020|Thermo Fisher Scientific|Applications
TECHNICAL NOTE 73759 Determination of inborn errors of metabolism Quantification of amino acids and acylcarnitines in dried blood spots by FIA-MS/MS for clinical research Author: Mariana Barcenas, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Les Ulis, France Keywords: Amino acids, acylcarnitines, dried blood spots,…
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Determination of inborn errors of metabolism
2020|Thermo Fisher Scientific|Applications
TECHNICAL NOTE 73759 Determination of inborn errors of metabolism Quantification of amino acids and acylcarnitines in dried blood spots by FIA-MS/MS for clinical research Author: Mariana Barcenas, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Les Ulis, France Keywords: Amino acids, acylcarnitines, dried blood spots,…
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normal, normalacylcarnitines, acylcarnitinesµmol, µmolphenylalanine, phenylalanineglycine, glycinecitrulline, citrullineornithine, ornithinevaline, valineacid, acidproline, prolineaspartic, asparticglutamic, glutamicarginine, argininetyrosine, tyrosinealanine
TECHNICAL NOTE 73760 Quantification of amino acids and acylcarnitines in dried blood spots by FIA-MS/MS Author: Mariana Barcenas, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Les Ulis, France Keywords: Amino acids, acylcarnitines, dried blood spots, non-derivatized, mass spectrometry, TSQ Fortis MS Goal Implementation of…
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normal, normalµmol, µmolcitrulline, citrullineacylcarnitines, acylcarnitinesglycine, glycinevaline, valineproline, prolinephenylalanine, phenylalaninetyrosine, tyrosinealanine, alaninemethionine, methionineleucine, leucineamino, aminospots, spotscontrol
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