Increasing Lab Uptime with a Nitrogen Gas Generator
When it comes to gas supply for LC-MS, gas generators are now the gas source of choice as the most cost-effective and reliable method of supplying the high flow LC-MS instruments require. Find out more about the innovative technology behind Peak’s products and market-leading after sale support offered by Peak around the globe, all designed to keep your lab running day in, day out.
Learning Objectives:
- Improving your lab’s productivity
- Nitrogen gas generator technology and how it works
- Maintaining your nitrogen gas generator
Presenter: Dr. Ed Connor (Product Manager, Peak Scientific)
After gaining a PhD from ETH Zurich and working as a lab manager for the University of Zurich, Dr. Ed Connor joined Peak Scientific as a Product Manager responsible for the ongoing management and development of gas generator solutions. Dr. Ed Connor has also produced a number of articles and application notes for Peak Scientific’s gas generator ranges for LC-MS and GC applications.