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TU Wien
TU Wien

Technology for People

The TU Wien is Austria's largest research and educational institution in the field of technology and natural sciences. More than 4,000 scientists are researching "technology for people" in five main research areas at eight faculties. The content of the studies offered is derived from the excellent research. More than 26,000 students in 62 degree programmes benefit from this. As a driver of innovation, TU Wien strengthens the business location, facilitates cooperation and contributes to the prosperity of society.

At TU Wien, we have been conducting research, teaching and learning under the motto 'Technology for people' for over 200 years. TU Wien has evolved into an open academic institution where discussions can happen, opinions can be voiced and arguments will be heard. Although everyone may have different individual philosophies and approaches to life, the staff, management personnel and students at TU Wien all promote open-mindedness and tolerance.

Technology for People

In order to enable universities to fulfil their specific social tasks – scientific research and teaching as well as raising public awareness – the high good of freedom of research and teaching must be preserved and continuously cultivated. TU Wien is firmly anchored in Austria's innovation and science system. In accordance with its mission statement ‘Technology for People’, this anchoring is built on the following foundations and values:

  • Research
  • Academic Affairs
  • Participation

Research – Developing Excellence in Scientific Research

As a premier research university we build our reputation through our scientific and artistic research. TU Wien conducts research and pursues the advancement of the arts (both in the specialist and trans- and interdisciplinary subjects offered). It is committed to maintain the high standards it has achieved and to further enhance them by networking, collaborating and pooling its strengths in national and international collaborations.


The research portfolio of TU Wien currently features five main areas of research, opens in new window:

  • Computational Science and Engineering
  • Quantum Physics and Quantum Technologies
  • Materials and Matter
  • Information and Communication Technology
  • Energy and Environment

These five areas and their research fields are where the university’s specific strengths and expertise lie. They form the TU Wien research matrix with their cross-faculty activities and raise our profile among the global competition. Our researchers collaborateacross scientific disciplines to conduct research in these and related areas, continually widening their research scope.

Freedom and ethics

TU Wien is an institution of scientific research, teaching, and development and advancement of the arts with a strong commitment to excellence and unequivocal emphasis on academic integrity. Following international standards of best academic practice, advancing the fields of science and technology in all areas of education and research is of paramount importance to our research and teaching staff. Society’s confidence in science rests on honesty, responsibility and accountability in all aspects of research and research-led teaching, but also on the ability of researchers to critically reflect on their work and their interactions with their peers. These values also serve as pillars to support the highly valued freedom of academic inquery. Pursuing world-class research and teaching and being accountable to the scientific community and the general public requires us to observe the highest standards of integrity and ethics.


TU Wien is at the heart of one of the world’s most beautiful cities, boasting one of the highest standards of living and acting as a gateway to Eastern Europe and the Middle East. The university uses this unique geographic location and cultural environment to its advantage at every level: to attract outstanding students and employees, to host international conferences and meetings, to initiate and pursue on strategic partnerships and to attract and establish innovative companies. This allows the university, together with its community and alumni, to drive economic activity and
support Vienna’s growth as a place for business and scientific research at the heart of an innovative Europe.


How basic and applied research feed one another allows us to map out the entire value chain from research in engineering and natural sciences to innovation. Progressing ‘from theory to realization – from concept to application’ in the spirit of an ‘Innovation and Entrepreneurship University’ involves all key aspects, from developing and conducting research projects to using their findings for commercial purposes.

Knowledge and technology transfer

TU Wien aims at training world-class experts and preparing its graduates to take on leading and constructive roles in society. Both graduates and scientific staff at TU Wien use their expertise and develop networks to advance the transfer of knowledge and technology to business and society. In doing so, they contribute to maintaining a competitive edge on the world stage and making Austria an even more innovative place for research and business. TU Wien aims at taking a the lead in expanding the transfer of knowledge from basic research to technology, business, and society, taking into consideration its societal impact well beyond purely technical aspects. While scientific research is essential for devising new technologies, this is not a goal in itself. Our vision is to transform what is scientifically possible into innovative products,services, processes that can make our world more compassionate, more socially responsible and a better place to live.



New method unravels the mystery of slow electrons
Article | Scientific article

New method unravels the mystery of slow electrons

Slow electrons are used in cancer therapy as well as in microelectronics. It is very hard to observe how they behave in solids. But scientists at TU Wien have made this possible.
TU Wien
Nuclear Clocks and the Fundamental Constants of Nature
Article | Video

Nuclear Clocks and the Fundamental Constants of Nature

The long-sought thorium transition has been found. What can we do with it now? Very different areas of technology could benefit from this discovery.
TU Wien

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20th Blue Danube Symposium on Heterocycles in Chemistry
Article | Events

20th Blue Danube Symposium on Heterocycles in Chemistry

The jubilant 20th Blue Danube Symposium on Heterocycles in Chemistry will be held on 25 – 28 August 2024 in Prague, Czech Republic
Přírodovědecká fakulta Univerzity Karlovy

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