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LC-MS Application Data Sheet No. 050 Analysis of aflatoxins using LCMS-2010A fluorescence detection and LC-MS were adopted as aflatoxin analysis methods. This data sheet introduces an example of aflatoxin analysis using LC-MS in accordance with the official methods. Figs. 1…
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LC-MS Application Data Sheet No. 51 Analysis of N-nitroso-fenfluramine using LC-MS A provisional method for analyzing N-nitroso-fenfluramine has been indicated by the Japanese National Institute of Health Sciences, where LC-MS or LC-PDA, or alternatively GC-MS is utilized. The data shown…
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LC-MS Application Data Sheet No. 034 Analysis of penicillin analogs using LC-MS types that are widely used in medicine, including β-lactams (penicillins, cephalosporins, etc.), macrolides, and tetracyclines. This data sheet introduces an example of the analysis of typical synthetic penicillins…
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