To pool or not to pool? This may be a tricky question when more than one fraction has been collected for your sample during preparative chromatography.
Fraction Analysis will help you answer it quickly by automating the analysis of fractions and suggesting the most appropriate action to take. The tool will evaluate the number and size of peaks present in each fraction, match and assign your target peak, calculate its purity, then score and report the results automatically. After Fraction Analysis, you will be able to quickly review the results dashboard and pass the selected fraction to downstream quality control processes.
Mestrelab Research: Mnova Gears - Fraction Analysis software: Improve your chromatography outcome by taking informed decisions on pooling, or otherwise, the eluate fractions!
Visit MestreLab Research Mnova Gears – Fraction Analysis product page to learn more!
Mestrelab Research: Mestrelab Mnova Gears – Fraction Analysis software.
Mestrelab Research: Mestrelab Mnova Gears - Fraction Analysis software.
Looking for an enterprise-level solution for improving your purification and data management procedures? Check the Best Method and Quality Control bricks that also run in full automation, and learn more about our automated databasing solution with Mgears. You have the complete flexibility to combine and adapt these solutions to your standard procedures to reap even more benefits for your organization.
Contact us for more information.
Mestrelab Research: Mestrelab Mnova Gears – Fraction Analysis software.
Academic, Government & Industrial
Organic chemists, analysts, QC experts, and researchers using quantitative chromatographic methods for quality control, concentration/purity determination, or monitoring/optimization of reactions in one of the following markets and applications: