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Breaking the Boundaries: The Latest Innovations in Mass Spectrometry

RECORD | Already taken place Th, 29.6.2023
Technical webinar: overview of cutting-edge MS equipment and the latest innovations in utilizing hydrogen as a carrier gas, LC/Q-TOF or N2 gas generators.
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Technology Networks: Breaking the Boundaries: The Latest Innovations in Mass Spectrometry
Technology Networks: Breaking the Boundaries: The Latest Innovations in Mass Spectrometry

Recent technological advancements have greatly expanded the options for high-quality mass spectrometry equipment. With significant progress in GC-MS, LC-MS, and gas generators, critical analyses can now be conducted with enhanced effectiveness and efficiency.

Join our technical webinar to gain a comprehensive overview of cutting-edge MS equipment and the latest innovations in utilizing hydrogen as a carrier gas. Discover the advancements, including Agilent's quadrupole time-of-flight LC-MS and PEAK Scientific's nitrogen gas generator, designed to optimize competitiveness and productivity in your analytical workflows.

Attend this webinar to:
  • Learn about why there is a huge drive to switch to hydrogen as a carrier gas for GC
  • Discover how to achieve time-saving efficiencies and meet future challenges with instrument intelligence using the latest quadrupole time-of-flight LC-MS
  • Understand how a gas generator can save you time and money as well as improve your lab’s sustainability

1. Novel Mass Spectrometry Technologies Expand Future of Biomarker Discovery Research

  • Diane Turner (Director and Senior Consultant, Anthias Consulting Ltd)

Gas chromatography - mass spectrometry (GC-MS) instruments are used for a wide variety of critical analyses and presents a topic of growing importance as the industry collectively moves away from helium as a carrier gas due to availability and pricing to suitable alternatives such as hydrogen.

In this webinar, Dr. Diane Turner from Anthias Consulting Ltd will focus on the innovations around using hydrogen as a carrier gas and explore the associated benefits as well as address the challenges involved.

In his talk, she will cover:
  • Why there is a huge drive to switch to hydrogen as a carrier gas for GC
  • The associated benefits and negatives of using hydrogen
  • A ‘to do’ list of parameters to re-optimize when switching to hydrogen

2. Be Ready for Future Challenges With an Intelligent LC-MS Solution

  • Christian Klein (Product Manager LC/Q-TOF and IM-QTOF, Agilent Technologies)

Many labs are faced with an ever-increasing sample load, while instrumentation and resources remain at a steady level. As a consequence, instrument throughput and uptime are critical factors to maintain competitiveness and productivity.

In this webinar, Dr. Christian Klein will show how you can meet these challenges with the newest time-of-flight LC-MS from Agilent. See examples of complete workflows demonstrating performance, robustness and throughput for food safety screening applications.

In his talk, he will cover:
  • Time-saving efficiencies and meeting future challenges with instrument intelligence
  • How to implement end-to-end workflows for food safety to produce meaningful results
  • How to identify and quickly assess compounds in question

3. How Can a Gas Generator Benefit Your Lab?

  • Petra Gierga (Product Manager, PEAK Scientific)

Labs face challenges every day and lab gas should not be one of these problems. On-site gas generators play a pivotal role in helping labs to streamline workflows while providing high-quality gas for LC-MS analysis.

In this webinar, Petra Gierga from PEAK Scientific will be discussing the benefits a gas generator can provide your lab over cylinders, dewars or bulk supply. Removing the need for repeated cylinder deliveries, cylinder contracts, manual handling and changing of cylinders – an in-house gas generator can reduce costs, increase productivity and improve your lab’s sustainability efforts.

In this talk, she will cover:
  • How a gas generator can save you time
  • The economic benefits of using a gas generator
  • The advantages a gas generator has for your labs workflows and long-term sustainability goals
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