Long-time director of the RECETOX Centre and Professor Emeritus Ivan Holoubek has passed away

RECETOX: Long-time director of the RECETOX Centre and Professor Emeritus Ivan Holoubek has passed away
With deep sorrow, we announce that on January 19, 2025, after a long and severe illness, one of the most prominent figures of Masaryk University, internationally recognized expert on the implementation of global conventions protecting human health from the effects of persistent organic pollutants, Professor Ivan Holoubek, passed away at the age of nearly 74. Ivan Holoubek dedicated his scientific career to the issue of chemical pollution of the environment and related risks. He actively engaged in science for more than fifty years and regularly commented in the media on the impact of chemicals on the environment and humans. Until his last moments, he was involved in expert activities and collaborated with international and national institutions and industry.
Professor Holoubek was one of the founders of the RECETOX Centre, which represented 40 years of his life and work. Thanks to his long-term efforts, it became a top-notch, modern facility of world-class standards. He never forgot to mention his 'great teachers' who helped guide his life path and showed him how to follow it. He drew his knowledge and experience from them with great respect and never missed an opportunity to pay them tribute. Professor Holoubek's motto was that it is not worth setting small goals, and he supported everyone who was not afraid of such big goals. He had a strong will to address the problems of chemical pollution not 'just' from a scientific perspective but to actively contribute to their solution through his collaboration with industry, government, and international institutions in the preparation and implementation of international conventions.
He was involved in the European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme (EMEP) and, at the ČHMÚ observatory in Košetice, established a long-term monitoring program for persistent substances in the air in 1988, the only one in Central Europe. With unflagging energy, he collaborated on UN programs related to environmental and human health protection and strived to fulfill international agreements in more than 25 countries worldwide. He founded and initially led the National Centre for Persistent Organic Pollutants, today's National Centre for Toxic Compounds, which connects scientists and policymakers in the Czech Republic's government, facilitating mutual communication and knowledge sharing. At the end of his career, he expanded his activities to the Global Change Research Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences, where he led a research group. His involvement was a tremendous professional and personal help to the emerging new institute. Ivan contributed his expertise and humanity to the implementation of greenhouse gas, mercury, and aerosol measurements into European and global monitoring networks. The renown of Professor Holoubek, an internationally recognized expert, brought thousands of foreign participants to Masaryk University and Brno for conferences, workshops, and summer schools. The International Summer School of Environmental Sciences, which he founded in 2005, has been held annually since then and significantly contributes to the visibility of Masaryk University worldwide.
"Ivan was a man with a big heart and loved the people around him. He feared nothing and faced great challenges with a smile. Just as he was proud of his teachers, he boasted about his students. He supported every new initiative and opened doors for all of us whenever he could. Thank you, Ivan."
Prof. RNDr. Jana Klánová, Ph.D.
"The news of Ivan's passing deeply affected me. My lifelong teacher, role model, and dear friend has left us. I could never have done what I do now, nor would I be who I am, if I had not met him. And there are many of us who feel this way. I will greatly miss his humanity, willingness to listen, and generosity. Whenever I was down, he supported me and helped selflessly. We will never forget."
Prof. RNDr. Ladislav Dušek, Ph.D.
"A great bard and erudite scientist has left us. Conversations with him were always full of comfort, smiles, and optimism. Ivan's help in the early days of our institute, where he took over the leadership of the greenhouse gas monitoring department, was very much needed. I cannot forget our shared dinners, where Ivan showcased his culinary skills, and these opulent feasts were accompanied by long discussions on professional topics and life. And Ivan truly knew how to live life. His departure pains me; I have lost a friend. Ivan, you will be missed!"
Prof. RNDr. Ing. Michal V. Marek, DrSc., dr. h. c.
"This sad news will certainly cross the borders of our state and continent. Professor Holoubek was an tireless mentor and guide to many experts in science and ministries not only in our country and Slovakia but also in many countries of Eastern Europe, the Caucasus, the Balkans, as well as in Africa, the Middle East, and the island states of Asia and the Pacific. He helped set up meaningful legislation, cooperation between industry and government, and tirelessly trained how to determine the extent of environmental and air pollution with toxic substances and what measures to take to eliminate pollution. It was always a great honor for me to build on his work."
Ing. Kateřina Šebková, Ph.D., M.A.
"Ivan Holoubek was an unmistakable Renaissance personality with undoubtedly strong opinions and inexhaustible life energy. I am grateful for all the opportunities and immense freedom he generously gave me and all his other students and followers."
Prof. RNDr. Luděk Bláha, Ph.D.
Prof. Martin Scheringer, Dr. sc. nat.
Biographical Profile
Prof. RNDr. Ivan Holoubek, CSc.
* April 11, 1951
† January 19, 2025
Professor Holoubek was born on April 11, 1951, in Brno. In 1975, he graduated in Organic Chemistry from the Faculty of Science at Masaryk University. He defended his CSc. degree in Ecology at Charles University, where he habilitated in Environmental Sciences in 1990. He obtained the title of professor in 1998 in the field of Chemistry and Environmental Protection Technology at the Faculty of Chemistry, Brno University of Technology. He worked at the Department of Environmental Protection and Creation (today's RECETOX) since its establishment and led it for 23 years (1990−2013). In his teaching activities, he focused on the issue of chemical pollution of the environment, associated risks and impacts, and environmental protection technologies. His research was mainly devoted to the fate of persistent organic pollutants and the analysis of ecological risks associated with their presence in the environment. His work in transferring scientific results into legislation is particularly significant. He collaborated long-term with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) to support the implementation of international conventions (especially the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants) and participated in their implementation in 25 countries. He served on expert panels, participated in 40 UN missions and dozens of projects, and significantly contributed to the development of international monitoring networks. He also built professional networks at the national level and initiated the establishment of the National Centre for Persistent Organic Pollutants as a supportive bridge between science and the Czech Republic's state administration. In 1993, he transformed an initially loose group of experts into a private company, TOCOEN, supporting environmentally focused projects. TOCOEN then collaborated long-term with the Department (later RECETOX Centre) on the implementation of research and educational activities, especially those with an application focus.
Farewell Ceremony
The farewell ceremony for Professor Holoubek will take place on January 24, 2025, at 3:30 PM at the Jihlavská Crematorium in Brno.