WATREX ULTRAPURE is dedicated to preparaton of ultrapure water for analytical, biochemical and other laboratories where the water with specific conductivity values below 0.1 µS/cm and a TOC value of less than 50 ppb is required.
The device is fed with pressurized pre-treated water, preferably with conductivity values below 15 µS/cm (e.g. water treated by reverse osmosis).
Watrex ULTRAPUR is supplied with a digital flow conductometer that allows monitoring the proper functioning of the device and the need to replace exhausted filter cartridges.
The water treated by ULTRAPURE system is suitable for HPLC, AA, ICP and other demanding analyses.
The maintenance of the device is very simple and consists only in replacing the filter inserts after they are exhausted.
Price: 923 € ex. VAT
Watrex: Water purification systems
Basic requirements for laboratory operations include the easy availability of pure laboratory water in the necessary quantity and quality. Distillation, a popular technique for producing purified water in the past, has virtually completely supplanted by less energy-intensive and operationally dependable alternatives today. Reverse osmosis is the foundation of the majority of contemporary systems for producing purified water; in reality, this principle is supplemented with adsorption, ion exchange, filtration, ultrafiltration, and other physical-chemical techniques.