Advancing analytical techniques in monoclonal antibody formulations
Explore cutting-edge methodology for online protein removal and characterization of polysorbates and poloxamer in monoclonal antibody formulations.
Already taken place Tu, 11.6.2024
Thermo Fisher Scientific
Concepts, Challenges and Applications for 2D-LC of Polymers
In this webinar, our speakers will present the concept, different approaches for technical realization, and industrial applications of 2D-LC in polymer separations.
Already taken place Tu, 30.4.2024
2D HPLC of Monoclonal Antibody with Novel Hydrophobic Interaction coupled to Reverse Phase Desalting with MS de
Analysis of a mAB with a HIC first dimension followed by a RP/desalting column in the second dimension.
Already taken place Su, 1.1.2023
Agilent Technologies
Implementation of 2 - Dimensional Chromatography for Characterization of Non - Ionic Surfactants with Accurate Mass Time of Flight Spectrometry
In the first dimension the separation is by degree of ethoxylation, while in the second dimension by the separation occurs by the length of the hydrophobic tail.
Already taken place We, 19.10.2022
Agilent Technologies
Introduction to Multidimensional Polymer-LC
The presentation will introduce the concept of 2-dimensional chromatography, the instrumental setup as well as typical applications.
Already taken place Th, 13.10.2022
Waters Corporation
Solutions and best practices for 2D-LC
Get an overview of 2D-LC instrumentation for multi-heart cutting and comprehensive 2D-LC.
Already taken place We, 5.10.2022
Agilent Technologies
Key concepts of 2D-LC
Learn about the four modes of 2D-LC: heart-cutting, multiple heart-cutting, selective and full comprehensive, and find out how they relate conceptually.
Already taken place We, 21.9.2022
Agilent Technologies
Taking your Polymer Analysis to the Level – A Walkthrough Advanced Polymer Separation
Techniques for tackling more challenging complex samples. Understand the potential of advanced polymer separation. Advanced detection techniques, GPEC, RPLC, 2D LC.
Already taken place Th, 21.7.2022
Waters Corporation
2D or not 2D? That is the question! Boost your performance with 2D-LC separation
Several concepts of the different types of 2D-LC will be explained to enable comprehensive understanding of this well- established technology.
Already taken place Tu, 10.5.2022
Agilent Technologies
A masterclass in mass spectrometry – from the latest innovations to future applications
Join Agilent to experience expertly crafted mass spectroscopy content that could help change your lab forever.